Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Swine Flu Treatment

Swine Flu Treatment

Homeopaths recommend  to use Influenzinum-200Four drops of Influenzinum-200 for seven days is helpful for preventing flu.
The doctor said that in the present scenario, more and more people belonging to the elite class are showing inclination towards homoeopathy treatment. "Homoeopathy treats the root cause of a disease whereas allopathic medicines give instant relief from a disorder. Therefore, now more people are opting for homoeopathy treatment. It is safe with no side effects," the doctor added.
Some other medicines to consider for the flu are:
  • Gelsemium (yellow jessamine): When fatigue and a generalized heavy, weak feeling pervades the person, even leading to trembling of individual parts and to having heavy, half-open eyelids, this remedy should be considered. These people tend to have little or no thirst, can experience chills up and down their spine, and have a headache in the back part of their head.
  • Bryonia (white bryony): People who have marked body aches during the flu that are aggravated by any type of motion suggest the need for this remedy. Generally, these people also have a headache in the front part of their head which is also aggravated by motion. They have dry, even chapped lips, a dry cough, and a great thirst for cold water. Despite being warm, they are averse to warm rooms. People with the flu who are very irritable and insist upon being left alone tend to benefit from this remedy.
  • Belladonna (deadly nightshade): When a person has a rapid onset of a high fever with a flushed face, reddened mucous membranes, glassy eyes, and cold limbs, consider this remedy. Typically, the person tends to have wild dreams at night.
  • Nux vomica (poison nut): When a fever with chills begin after an overindulgence of food, drink (alcohol), or drug use, consider this remedy.
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset): People with the flu who experience aches in the muscles and pains in the bones and/or in their eyes often benefit from this remedy. Another characteristic symptom of people who need this remedy is chills that occur in the morning, especially 7-9am. These people desire cold drinks, even during a chill and even though it may elicit a chill response, and they feel better lying on whatever part of their body is aching.
  • Arsenicum album (arsenic): This is an important medicine for people with the stomach flu who experience nausea and vomiting along with a fever. These people are sensitive to and worse by exposure to cold. They experience a great thirst, but only for sips of water at a time. They feel restless and anxious, usually worrying if they might actually be sicker than they are, and they may seek several professionals' opinion on their condition. They feel better with company around, and they feel the worse at or near midnight.
  • Influenzinum (influenza virus): If a person develops long lasting symptoms after a bout of the flu, give a single dose of this remedy in the 30th or 200th potency.

DOSE: Use the 6, 12, or 30 th potency every other hour for the first two or three doses and then every six to eight hours until resolution of the condition. If significant improvement doesn't occur after 24 hours, consider another remedy.